Individual Paddock History

You can view the paddock activity history of a chosen paddock. This may be helpful for circumstances such as a decision to fertilise a paddock a certain number of days after it is grazed.


1. Select the chosen paddock from the map.


2. Click the white button Show More Details


3. Firstly, you will see some summary details of the chosen paddock on the left-hand side. You need to scroll down to view the paddock activity history.


4. Under the green History menu, you can see a short summary of the most recent history of activities on the chosen paddock. In this example, we can see that the last grazing was 215 days ago, last fertilisation was 202 days ago and the last harvest was 1275 days ago.


5. Click the green History menu. This will open up below a complete list of of the paddock's activities by date. The list is exportable and downloadable. 


6. You can click on any of the paddock activity records in the list to open up the details of that particular record. This example shows further details of the fertilisation activity that occurred on 9 November 2023.
