Setting The Monthly Farm Targets

This article discusses setting the monthly targets for your farm to help put your decision making on autopilot.


Setting monthly targets for your farm helps put your decision-making on autopilot. By aligning the application with the season and your operational conditions, you can streamline your management process and ensure optimal pasture performance.

Monthly targets provide a subconscious level of information that guides your decisions. For instance, the target cover line on the feed wedge adjusts automatically each month, aiding you with timely and relevant data.

Monthly Targets You Can Set

At the farm level, you can set the following monthly targets:

  1. Pre-Grazing Cover
  2. Post-Grazing Cover
  3. Average Cover
  4. Growth Rate
  5. Rotation Length (days)

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How to Edit Monthly Targets

  1. Click on the "cog" menu item.
  2. Click on "Monthly Targets".
  3. Entered your desired targets for each month.
  4. Remember to click "Save All" when you have finished.

Video Explainer

Here is a video that does a deeper dive into the monthly targets:

If you use Pio’s machine learning models, such as satellite-backed pasture readings, or Pio, Your AI Farm Consultant, setting monthly farm targets will enhance Pio’s understanding and learning of your farm, making it even more effective.