The List menu provides your data in a tabulated list formation. This is particularly helpful when comparing the performance of your paddocks relative to your other paddocks.
For a video tutorial instead:
Before we look at the List menu, let’s first set up the data sets that appear in your List. This is customisable because each farm requires and uses different data sets for their management and decision making.
1. Head to the gear icon in the top right of your farm dashboard. From the drop-down, select User Access.
2. Select Customise App from the menu on the left-hand side.
This provides you with a list of every single data set available to appear in your List.
Default List View means that the data set (i.e. the List Item) appears in your List by default.
Available Option means that the data set can appear in your List if you check the box when viewing the List drop-down (we look at this a few steps later).
Hidden means the data set will appear neither in the List by default nor in the drop-down with a box that can be checked.
3. Go through each List Item and click the buttons according to the needs of your farm, either Default List View, Available Option or Hidden.
Towards the end of this list, you will see multiple elements such as nitrogen and sulfur. These relate to your fertilisation records.
4. Select each of the elements that appear in the fertilisations you apply on the farm.
By doing this, you can then use the List menu to view the amount of a given element applied to each paddock over a selected period of time.
5. Make sure to click Save All in the green button at the very end of the list.
6. Return to your farm dashboard by clicking the Farm icon in the top left.
7. When you click the List menu drop-down, the data sets that are automatically checked are the ones you set as Default List View.
The data sets with unchecked boxes are the ones you set as Available Option. If you check them, they will appear in the List for that session. But they will not stay in the List menu permanently.
8. To open up the List menu itself, click List.
By default, the paddocks will be ordered by the first column. In this case, it is the paddock Code.
9. If you wish to order your paddocks by one of the other data sets, click on the data set heading.
In this case, we have decided to sort paddocks by Cover. If you click the data set heading once, paddocks will be ordered by lowest to highest Cover. If you click the data set heading again, the paddocks will be ordered by highest to lowest Cover.
10. The end of the List displays averages for the paddocks in the List.
11. You can filter the List in multiple ways. Click the button in the top-right that says X Paddocks (Y ha).
By filtering, the List will reduce in size to show only data for the paddocks related to the specific filter you select.
You may have created Tags for your paddocks such as ‘north-side’ and south-side’ – and you just want to see data for the ‘north-side’.
You may have some Irrigated paddocks – and you just want to see data for your ‘centre pivot’ paddocks or perhaps both your ‘dryland’ and ‘effluent; paddocks.
You may have allocated certain paddocks by Herd – and you just want to see data for the paddocks you’ve allocated for ‘Milkers Herd 1’.
You may have paddocks with varying Used For settings – and you just want to see data for the paddocks set to Forage (Pasture).
In any case, simply select the relevant Tag, Irrigation, Herd or Used For.
12. In this case, we wish to view data for the paddocks included in our ‘A Paddocks’ Tag.
You can also set a date range for the data shown in the List. This is important for the fertiliser element data as it will only show data if a date range is selected.
13. Click the button in the top-right that says X Paddocks (Y ha). Then click on the button that has today’s date.
This will generate a list of common pre-selected date ranges such as Last 7 Days and Last 12 Months.
14. You can also choose to select a Custom Range. Choose the range, and then click Apply.
Now that you have a date range selected, you can view data in a way that gives you an idea of the performance of paddocks over time.
For example you may wish to set a Last 12 Months date range and then sort paddocks by lowest to highest Growth Rate. This enables you to compare the performance of your paddocks by ranking them by lowest to highest average growth rate over the last 12 months. This may help you decide which paddocks need some attention.
Similarly, you may wish to set a Last 12 Months date range and then look at the total kg/ha of each fertliser element applied to each paddock in that time period.
And that’s the List menu!